Truth be told:  Negative vs Positive Experiences

Truth be told:  Negative vs Positive Experiences

Imagine this, just one negative interaction in a relationship can have more of an impact than several positive interactions. 

Whether or not you believe this to be true, there are scientific studies shown to support this theory.  We tend to perseverate over things that cause us worry and we hold on to past situations that leave us feeling distressed.  If we do this often enough, our nervous system gets rewired to support this way of thinking and living. Our brains become negativity focused and our bodies take on the physical toll of this stress.  We start scanning problems (especially the small ones) from the time we wake up in the morning until the time we fall asleep at night.  Truth be told... this can be an extremely stressful and unfulfilling way of living life.

What if you do something a bit differently today?  Rather than grabbing hold of those negative experiences that do create more chaos and problems for you, do the mere opposite.  Pay close attention to those experiences that make you feel good inside.  If you go into a store and someone holds the door open for you, take that feeling in.  Allow yourself a moment to absorb the kind act of a stranger.  If your partner or loved one gives you a kiss or hug before leaving for work, give yourself a moment to feel that warm embrace.  You have someone in your circle that loves you and this love can be a powerful source of energy fuel.  What about that first cup of coffee in the morning?  No other cups taste quite the same as that first morning cup:)  Take a few moments of quiet time and allow all of your senses to activate (ie:  the aroma of the coffee, the warm temperature against your lips, as so on).    

There are so many good things happening all around us yet if you drive by too quickly, they'll go unrecognized.  Allow for that pause to intentionally take in those feel-good experiences and you'll notice a positive shift in how you are living life.

So today, open up your mind and your eyes to seeing all the good that does exist for you.  You reading this article automatically puts you in alignment with self-growth.  That's worth recognizing. 

Want to challenge yourself some more?  Find at least 5 positive experiences and write them down in your journal or note pad.  Do this for 7 days and you'll start to notice a difference in how you see life. 

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