Is My Partner Gaslighting Me?

Is My Partner Gaslighting Me?

While the term Gaslighting may be familiar to some, it's can be a foreign word to others.  Today, I'd like to open your eyes up to what many Men and Women are experiencing in their relationships.  It's the term referred to as Gaslighting.

So what exactly is Gaslighting?  It's actually quite simple to describe yet can be so difficult for those who are in gaslighting relationships to see. 

Gaslighting, whether intentional or unintentional, is a form of manipulation in relationships that's used to gain control of someone in a relationship.  In gaslighting, you're made by the other person to question your memory, perception and, eventually your sanity.

Gaslighting could be happening to you, a friend, or a loved one without you even knowing it.  This form of manipulation could lead you to feel like you're going crazy and as though, "It's all in your head." 

Learn to recognize the signs of Gaslighting so that you are no longer manipulated.  

Here are the 7 signs of Gaslighting to look out for:

  1. Your partner wants to take complete control of who you are talking to, who you are spending your time with, and/or what you are doing.

  2. Your partner is jealous & belittles you. This could be name calling, putting you down constantly or your partner looking to criticize those you are closest to.

  3. Your partner guilting you to believe you did something wrong when you actually haven't.

  4. Your partner dismissing or minimizing your feelings such that their feelings seem to often be superior.

  5. You are often walking on egg shells, feeling like you can't do anythiing right and seem to be the only one apologizing when in disagreement.

  6. Your partner never lets you talk or express your feelings when in an argument or disagreement.

  7. You find yourself often making excuses for your partner.

What should you do if this is happening to you?

  • Seek outside support to provide you with reassurance and to affirm that your experiences of mistreatment are very much real.

  • Talk to your partner. If he/she is open to learning more about gaslighting, this can raise their level of insight & awareness so that their behaviors can change.

  • If this is someone who is completely closed off or who has narcissistic traits, talking will not help. Your best bet may involve walking away from the relationship.

  • Know what is within your control and what is not. You are responsible for changing your own behaviors just like others are responsible for their own behaviors.

Gaslighting is very much real and is happening way too often in relationships. It can lead to insecurity, low self worth, social isolation and depression. Take action if this is happening to you. And if gaslighting is happening to someone you care about, sharing this article can help to raise their own awareness so that they are no longer victim to these manipulative behaviors.

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